Project 2 Thumbnails
Thinking about how the overall design is going to feel as a whole. Color i have thought about, creams and greens and simple hand drawn feeling. Thye icons I want to make as links to the other parts of the content I want to feel like little ink drawings on parchment, so I will probably hand draw those in ink to scan in. An larger, decorative images I will draw myself, however I’m not sure yet if I want to even include any unnecessary images. All the actual content for the site I posted on my last Project 2 story:
Names I’ve thought of for this:
- Thrifting a Ren Faire Costume
- Eco Ren Faire Costume
- Thrifting Makes a Faire Simpler
- How to Thrift a Ren Faire Costume
- Second-Hand Costume Creation
Thinking about who would view my website, I instantly thought of three people that might be interested in it.
I thought of someone like myself when I went to my first faire, a teenager with not a lot of money but plenty of time. They would know how to navigate the internet well, and probably not have a lot of experience on the topic of fairs or making a costume. However, teenagers like this would more than likely be viewing the site on a smaller screen like a mobile phone or a tablet. There is a good chance they could be on a desktop screen, but most teenagers in high school don’t have the money to purchase a laptop.
The second person I thought of where seniored fair-goers with little knowledge of making a fair costume and simply want to give it a try. They would probably be in their 30’s-40’s and know quite a lot about ren faires or the medieval period and it’s aesthetic. They would have adequate knowledge of technology, and how to use it, while also having a desktop computer (more than likely). I try to keep my content rather gender neutral, since dressing for fairs is popular with men, women and nonbinary folk.
The last persona I thought about where middle aged people who have no experience with ren faires or costumes. Probably in their 40’s-50’s, these are people looking for a new hobby and social group to be a part of. They have probably looked into fairs in their area and maybe have friends that attend fairs every year. They want to go with a friend group, but don’t want to feel left out by dressing in their pedestrian clothes. They are most likely a down to earth person, not looking to spend a lot of money on a costume and just want to vaguely look the part.